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Reading Successions

This section provides instructions for retrieving the data for a given Document Succession Identifier (DSI). The shell environment variable BASEDSI is used in the following instructions as the base DSI of the document succession to retrieve. An example setting of BASEDSI is:

export BASEDSI=1wFGhvmv8XZfPx0O5Hya2e9AyXo

Basic Operations

Convert Base DSI to Git Commit Hash

export GITHASH=$(echo ${BASEDSI}= | basenc --decode --base64url | xxd -plain)

Find GitHub Repositories for a Document Succession

To locate all GitHub repositories containing the document succession identified by the base DSI ${BASEDSI}, perform the following steps after setting GITHASH as instructed previously:

curl --request GET \
  --header "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
  --header "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
  "${GITHASH}" \
  | tee response.json | jq .total_count
export JQFILTER='.items[].repository | "gh-" + (.id | tostring) + "" + .full_name + ".git"'
cat response.json \
  | jq --raw-output "${JQFILTER}" \
  | tee repos.txt

Initialize Git Repository to Fetch Document Successions

Given a text file repos.txt as generated previously, the following commands will create a local Git repository that is set up to fetch updates to a document succession found in GitHub repositories.

git init mycopy
cd mycopy
cat repos.txt | xargs -l1 git remote add


This manual assumes the default branches of the fetched repositories are all named 'main'.

Fetch Updates from Git Repository

git fetch --all
for R in $(git remote); do git pull $R main; done

Read Editions

Assuming the commit history of editions has been ungarbled and has valid signatures, the working tree of the main branch will contain the contents of each edition. An edition is either a file or directory named object.

find -name object

Testing Operations

Check that No Editions Have Been Deleted

for H in $(git rev-list main); do
    git checkout $H
    find -name object
done | sort | uniq > all_objects.txt
git checkout main
diff all_objects.txt <(find -name object) && echo PASS || echo FAIL

Check that No Editions Modified

An ungarbled document succession will have only one revision per edition. To verify that each edition has only one revision, run:

for P in $(find -name object); do git rev-list HEAD -- $P | wc -l; done

Verify Signed Succession

To verify that all commits have valid signatures, run:

for H in $(git rev-list --min-parents=1 main); do
    git checkout $H~1
    git -c gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile=signed_succession/allowed_signers verify-commit $H
git -c gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile=signed_succession/allowed_signers verify-commit HEAD
git checkout main

Visually inspect that all the signatures are reported as good.